Blog Post
Apr 2, 2014
Dealing with CA Agencies Blog Series – DFEH 2.0: How to Deal with the Rebooted DFEH
The DFEH recently received an “update” to its authority to enforce the California Fair Employment and Housing Act (“FEHA”). As we previously reported, effective January 1, 2013, the Fair Employment and Housing Commission was eliminated, as well as its ability to adjudicate claims. Instead, the DFEH is now authorized to file cases directly in court, seek damages, and to collect attorneys’ fees and costs. The DFEH has made very clear it intends to use every “byte” of its authority to prosecute suspected and “systemic” violators, and seek fees, costs, and damages.
Employers beware. The DFEH’s promise to flex its newly-found muscle brings an increased need to tread cautiously with the DFEH. Below is a brief look into the “new and improved” DFEH as well as few tips to help employers deal with DFEH 2.0.
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