Attorney Publication


Ellen Murphy, Scott Morvillo, Matthew Catalano, and Richard Morvillo Write on DOJ Incentivizing Corporate Compliance with Voluntary Self-Disclosure Programs in The New York Law Journal

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Seyfarth’s Ellen Murphy, Scott Morvillo, Matthew Catalano, and Richard Morvillo co-authored an article, “DOJ Seeks to Incentivize Corporate Compliance Through Voluntary Self-Disclosure Programs, Including Program for Individuals,” in the New York Law Journal on July 8. The Seyfarth attorneys discussed how the DOJ announced six different voluntary self-disclosure policies and that they remain focused on corporate enforcement.

“Accordingly, companies should review their current compliance program to ensure that it provides for prompt investigation of allegations of misconduct and provides a process to evaluate potential malfeasance to determine if voluntary self-reporting is appropriate.”

You can read the full article here.