Media Mentions

May 4, 2009

Erika Birg, Michael Elkon and Erin Wetty Quoted in the Daily Report
“Navigating Non-Compete and Non-Solicitation Agreements: Where We Are and Where We Are Going”

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Erika Birg, Michael Elkon and Erin Wetty were highlighted in the May 4, 2009 Daily Report article, “Navigating Non-Compete and Non-Solicitation Agreements: Where We Are and Where We Are Going.” The article discussed the ACC Georgia Chapter’s luncheon program sponsored by Seyfarth Shaw’s Atlanta office and the firm’s National Trade Secret, Computer Fraud and Non-Compete Group on April 14, 2009. Erika, Michael and Erin spoke at the event about key topics regarding the basics of employment-related restrictive covenants, and how to draft non-competes, non-solicitation and non-disclosure agreements to comply with the new statute in Georgia regarding restrictive covenants.

According to the article, Erin explained that covenants are not for all employees and employers should be careful to evaluate what company interest they are trying to protect before asking employees to sign agreements. The article also noted that Michael led the audience through concise ways to ensure existing agreements are in compliance with Georgia’s rules. He commented, “Georgia’s law on restrictive covenants is based on judicial decisions.” Erika concluded the “Where We Are” portion of the program where she outlined what to expect if litigation over the agreement becomes necessary.

As noted in the article, “Seyfarth Shaw received high marks in the reviews for presenting such a timely and well-prepared program.”