Mar 11, 2021
Policy Matters Podcast - Episode 12: Post-PAID Program, What's a Good-Faith Employer to do? Part 1 & 2
Policy issues often have long term widespread and pervasive impact on businesses. Not only can new governmental policies significantly affect the climate for business innovation and growth, they create precedents that affect future legislation and potentially spread across jurisdictions.
Each installment of the Policy Matters Podcast will provide timely updates regarding potential adverse impacts on benefits that policy changes can have on industry growth and offer a preview of what’s next in the competitive marketplace.
Episode 12: Post-PAID Program, What's a Good-Faith Employer to do? Part 1 & Part 2
In this two-part episode, Kevin Young, Partner in the Labor and Employment department of Seyfarth’s Atlanta office, and Scott Hecker, Senior Counsel in the Labor and Employment department of Seyfarth’s Washington, DC office, discuss the impact on employers of the U.S. Department of Labor Wage and Hour Division’s decision to end PAID, a self-audit program that allowed good-faith employers to resolve potential minimum wage and overtime mistakes and allowed employees to receive back wage payments promptly.
In part one, Scott and Kevin discuss the background of the PAID program and the problems it was trying to solve.
In part two, Scott and Kevin discuss what an employer can do now that PAID has been ended and what the chances of self-audits are under the Biden Administration.