
Nov 11, 2022

Policy Matters Podcast - Episode 29: Mid-Term Elections Review

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Policy issues often have long term widespread and pervasive impact on businesses. Not only can new governmental policies significantly affect the climate for business innovation and growth, they create precedents that affect future legislation and potentially spread across jurisdictions.Each installment of the Policy Matters Podcast will provide timely updates regarding potential adverse impacts on benefits that policy changes can have on industry growth and offer a preview of what’s next in the competitive marketplace.

Episode 29: Mid-Term Elections Review

Americans recently went to the polls (or to ballot drop boxes) to cast their votes in the 2022 Mid-Terms. Following the November 8 elections, Congress’s exact composition remains up in the air and may remain so until the dust settles on Georgia’s December 6 Senate runoff between Sen. Raphael Warnock and challenger Herschel Walker. In the meantime, Seyfarth’s Government Policy wonks - Leon Rodriguez, Scott Hecker, and Scott Mallery - engage in a free-flowing discussion on what narrowly divided government could mean for Labor & Employment issues, judicial nominations, other Executive Branch appointments, and agencies’ rulemaking activities.