Legal Update
Jul 13, 2020
Return to Work Communications and Training Checklist
With millions of employees returning to worksites across the country, and given COVID-19’s reach, providing every team member with practical guidance and training on how to protect co-workers and others is becoming increasingly important. Clear company-wide instructions are particularly valuable in light of dozens of state rules and/or training requirements as well as uncertainties regarding levels and extents of enforcement actions.
Getting started involves auditing COVID/return-to-work communication gaps within your organization. Seyfarth at Work's COVID-related Return to Work (RTW) Communications and Training Checklist provides a roadmap to identify those informational areas that employers may not have considered and which should inform targeted education, announcements, and policy guidance.
It is recommended that the RTW Communications Checklist be utilized in conjunction with Seyfarth at Work's "Safe Return" online training program, although the Checklist, itself, includes key recommended training topics.
This RTW Communications Checklist includes the following best practices, among others:
- Policy Guidance
- Seating Plans
- Informational Posters
- Signage
- Cross-Training Protocols
- COVID/RTW Safety Training
- Manager Issue-Spotting and Responses
- Escalating concerns and Red Flag Issues
Next Steps: Beyond the Checklist
Our Seyfarth at Work subsidiary is already helping clients of all sizes to imprint the most up-to-date skills through deployment of practical and comprehensive training on return to work, remote management and other COVID-relevant topics. For training information, or a sample course description, please contact Rachel Guisinger at or click here for a course description/brochure.