

Seyfarth Recognized in 2025 World Trademark Review 1000

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Seyfarth’s Trademark practice earned widespread recognition in the 2025 edition of the World Trademark Review 1000 spotlighting “world-class legal trademark expertise.” The firm earned high rankings nationally as well as in the states of California, Georgia, Illinois, and New York. WTR wrote of Seyfarth: “Championing client relationships above all, Seyfarth Shaw’s team of intellectual property attorneys are a smart choice for companies looking to create strong trademark strategies that align with their business needs.”

Ten Seyfarth lawyers were also singled out individually:

Seyfarth’s Intellectual Property team represents a diverse roster of clients, from Fortune 500 and multinational corporations to fast-growing start-ups, helping them identify and secure their IP rights. The Trademark group is dedicated to protecting clients’ distinct, recognizable identities for their products and services, allowing them to create and profit from their unique positions in the marketplace.