Legal Update
Oct 26, 2016
Tesla Takes on Michigan
1 It is hard to argue against this because Tesla has yet to earn any profits despite widespread acclaim for its products and services.
2 Tesla Motors, Inc. v. Johnson, U.S.D.C., W.D. Mich., Civ. Action No. 16-cv-1158, Compl. ¶22.
3 Shepherd, Ken, “Tesla Is Taking Michigan’s Governor to Court,” Washington Times, Sept. 22, 2016.
4 Underoffler, David, “Imitating Tesla Will Be Tough,” Automotive News, Oct. 3, 2016.
5 Compl. ¶31.
6 Compl. ¶52.
7 Compl. ¶56.
8 Compl. ¶45 (citing FTC blog Competition Matters by FTC Office of Policy Planning, Bureau of Competition and Bureau of Economics on harmful effects to consumers of laws passed to help dealers).
9 Hull, Dana, “Telsa Cranks Up Pressure to End Ban on Direct Auto Sales,” Bloomberg News, Sept. 22, 2016 (
10 State of Missouri v. Ray, et al., Case No. 15AC-CC00032, Circuit Court of Cole County (MO), Final Judgment & Order.
11 Arizona Automobile Dealers Assoc. v. Department of Transp., et al., Case No. CV2016-015190, Superior Court, Maricopa County (AZ), Verified Complaint for Declaratory Judgment.