Legal Update
Mar 16, 2018
Trump Administration Signals Exemptions to Steel Tariffs Are a Long Shot
Legal Authority for the Tariff
The Forecast for Exemptions to the Tariff
Monitoring Developments
2. The specified steel articles covered by the Proclamation are those referenced in the Harmonized Tariff Schedule at the following 6-digit levels: 7206.1 through 7216:50; 7216.99 through 7301:10; 7302:10; 7302.40 through 7302.90; and 7304.10 through 7306.90.
3. 19 U.S.C. 1862. President Carter’s decision to impose tariffs on crude oil imports during the energy crisis of the 1970s is a paramount historical example of the President’s trade-security function in action.
4. William Mauldin, U.S. Companies Will Get Few Exclusions to Tariffs, Officials Signal, Wall. St. J., Mar. 14, 2018,
5. Jennifer Kaplan and Naureen S. Malik, Corporate America Makes Its Case that Trump’s Tariffs Don’t Apply, Bloomberg, Mar. 8, 2018,