Kim C.Murphy

Senior Coordinator - Analytics Team

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Kim deploys her skills in technology, data analysis, and project management in the development of affirmative action programs and statistical analyses.

More About Kim

As an affirmative action professional, she has assisted single and multi-facility establishments across a variety of industries on a nationwide basis. Her experience includes:

  • Development of affirmative action plans using clients’ databases or other information, including assistance in developing internal reporting and auditing mechanisms for affirmative action compliance.
  • Impact ratio analysis using individual client human resources information to analyze employment activity such as internal and external applicants, hires, promotions, transfers, and terminations.
  • Serving as project manager for major clients with large workforces with heavy time demands and responsiveness to multiple employment related issues.
  • Serving as a technical resource for clients who are undergoing or preparing for compliance evaluations by the regulatory agencies.