Patrick J.Bannon
Labor & Employment

Patrick helps employers manage and compensate employees lawfully, uphold high performance standards, and defeat unfounded legal claims—including class and collective actions.
More About Patrick
Employers hire Patrick for advice they can understand about how to avoid employment litigation without compromising their legitimate goals. Clients in litigation appreciate his creative, efficient approach to even the most complex litigation.
While he works in the world of courts and government agencies, Patrick's heart is with the people who try to run fair, productive organizations without being derailed or paralyzed by the legal system.
Patrick has extensive experience defending wage and hour cases, including class and collective actions, lawsuits brought by overtime-exempt employees who claim they are entitled to overtime pay, claims by independent contractors who allege they are entitled to be treated as employees, and lawsuits brought by employees claiming that they were required to work off-the-clock.
Patrick also helps businesses avoid litigation by advising them about all aspects of their relationships with employees. These subjects include compensation for exempt employees, nonexempt employees, and executives; leaves of absence; discipline and termination; managing employees with physical and mental conditions that affect work; distinguishing employees from independent contractors; non-competition agreements; employment contracts; separation agreements; and reductions in force. He has helped a number of major clients develop and enforce arbitration agreements.
Patrick is a regular speaker and author regarding employment law, including arbitration and collective actions. His articles have appeared in The Boston Globe, New England In-House, Compensation & Benefits Review, and Mass High Tech.
While he works in the world of courts and government agencies, Patrick's heart is with the people who try to run fair, productive organizations without being derailed or paralyzed by the legal system.
Patrick has extensive experience defending wage and hour cases, including class and collective actions, lawsuits brought by overtime-exempt employees who claim they are entitled to overtime pay, claims by independent contractors who allege they are entitled to be treated as employees, and lawsuits brought by employees claiming that they were required to work off-the-clock.
Patrick also helps businesses avoid litigation by advising them about all aspects of their relationships with employees. These subjects include compensation for exempt employees, nonexempt employees, and executives; leaves of absence; discipline and termination; managing employees with physical and mental conditions that affect work; distinguishing employees from independent contractors; non-competition agreements; employment contracts; separation agreements; and reductions in force. He has helped a number of major clients develop and enforce arbitration agreements.
Patrick is a regular speaker and author regarding employment law, including arbitration and collective actions. His articles have appeared in The Boston Globe, New England In-House, Compensation & Benefits Review, and Mass High Tech.
- JD, Stanford Law School
With distinction
Stanford Law Review, associate editor - AB, Harvard College
Magna cum laude
Phi Beta Kappa
- California
- Massachusetts
- US Supreme Court
- US Court of Appeals, First Circuit
- US Court of Appeals, Third Circuit
- US Court of Appeals, Ninth Circuit
- US District Court, Northern District of California
- US District Court, District of Massachusetts
Related Services
- Class & Collective Actions
- Complex Discrimination Litigation
- Discipline & Performance Management
- Employment
- Employment Litigation
- Post-Pandemic Recovery & Renewal
- Reductions in Force & Business Restructuring
- Remote Workforces
- Separation & Release Agreements
- Trade Secrets, Computer Fraud & Non-Competes
- Trial
- Wage Hour Audit, Assessment & Advice
- Wage Hour Class & Collective Actions
- Workplace Arbitration & ADR
Related Key Industries
- Enforced arbitration agreement that required former employees to pursue overtime claims through individual arbitration, rather than nationwide collective action.
- Obtained summary judgment for insurance company against former sales agent’s claim of independent contractor misclassification.
- Led labor and employment due diligence for buyer in 10-figure acquisition.
- Defended major financial services companies in would-be national class and collective actions alleging failure to pay overtime under FLSA and state law.
- Represented US subsidiary of overseas company in action for alleged failure to pay commissions to former employee.
- Defended lawsuit alleging misclassification of tennis professional under FLSA and Massachusetts law.
- Represented sports club in investigation by Wage and Hour Division of US Department of Labor.
- Obtained preliminary injunction for Fortune 500 company enforcing former sales executive’s noncompetition and nonsolicitation agreement.
- Advise hospitals regarding all aspects of employee relationships, including wage-and-hour compliance, hiring, investigation of internal complaints, discipline, and termination.
- Obtained summary judgment for billion-dollar semiconductor company in age discrimination case involving reduction in force and change to employee retirement plan.
- Defended retailer in collective actions brought by assistant managers seeking overtime under FLSA.
- Successfully enforced and successfully challenged numerous noncompetition and nonsolicitation agreements.
- Won arbitration award for executive who was forced out of a publicly traded company in breach of his employment contract.
- Negotiated dozens of executive employment and separation agreements.
- Defended financial services, consulting, manufacturing, and technology companies from claims of discrimination or harassment on the basis of sex, race, disability, age, and other protected categories.
- Successfully litigated retaliation and whistleblower claims.
- Helped businesses avoid litigation through training, drafting, and review of company policies and advice regarding employee discipline and termination.
- Defended employers against claims brought by employees for alleged failure to pay wages.
Counseled businesses on how to reduce the size of their workforces, while minimizing the potential for claims by terminated employees.
Related News & Insights
Firm News
220 Seyfarth Attorneys Chosen as Leaders in Their Fields by Best Lawyers in America 2025
Media Mentions
Patrick Bannon Discusses Impact of SCOTUS Smith v. Spizzirri Arbitration Decision in Top Media Outlets
Blog Post
May 17, 2024
Staying Around – The Supreme Court Resolves Circuit Split and Mandates that Cases Compelled to Arbitration be Stayed (Not Dismissed)
Media Mentions
Patrick Bannon Discusses SCOTUS Decision on Arbitration Causing More Litigation in Bloomberg Law
- Listed in Best Lawyers in America (Woodward/White Inc.) for Employment Law - Management and Litigation - Labor and Employment (2016-2025)
- Recognized as a Leading Lawyer for Labor & Employment (Massachusetts) by Chambers USA (2012-2024)
- American Bar Association, Labor and Employment Law Section speaker and member
- Massachusetts Bar Association, Labor and Employment Section former vice-chair
- Boston Bar Association
- MCAD Volunteer Mediator Pilot Program volunteer mediator, 2003-2006
- Co-Author, "Massachusetts High Court Limits Scope of Transportation Worker Exception to Statutory Arbitration Requirements," Legal Opinion Letter, Washington Legal Foundation (September 23, 2022)
- Co-Author, "No Hypocrisy in Getting to the Merits: Why Good Companies Want Arbitration—but Not Mass Arbitration—of Employment Disputes," Legal Backgrounder, Washington Legal Foundation (September 16, 2022)
- Co-Author, Mass-Peculiarities: An Employer’s Guide to Wage & Hour Law in the Bay State, 2022 Edition, Seyfarth Shaw LLP (2022)
- Co-Author, "Is Arbitration the Answer: Vaccination Arbitration?" Legal Update, Seyfarth Shaw LLP (January 4, 2022)
- Co-Author, "Is Arbitration the Answer: Can Companies Win Summary Judgment In Arbitration?," Legal Update, Seyfarth Shaw LLP (June 7, 2021)
- Co-Author, "Three Ways Courts Should Improve FLSA Collective Actions," Law360 (March 31, 2021)
- Co-Author, "Is Arbitration The Answer: What About Mass Arbitration?," Legal Update: A Series on Arbitration Agreements, Seyfarth Shaw LLP (March 30, 2021)
- Co-Author, "Retail Detail: Can Retail Gig Workers Be Treated As Non-Employees? A Federal Court Casts Doubt," Legal Update, Seyfarth Shaw LLP (February 9, 2021)
- Co-Author, "A Series on Arbitration Agreements: Can Arbitration Agreements Protect Employers Against Class Actions?," Legal Update, Seyfarth Shaw LLP (January 19, 2021)
- Co-Author, "A Series on Arbitration Agreements: Is Arbitration the Answer?," Legal Update, Seyfarth Shaw LLP (January 5, 2021)
- Co-Author, "Call Center Employees in Massachusetts Win Claim For Sunday Premium Pay," Legal Update, Seyfarth Shaw LLP (January 23, 2020)
- Co-Author, Mass-Peculiarities: An Employer’s Guide to Wage & Hour Law in the Bay State, 4th Edition, Seyfarth Shaw LLP (June 19, 2019)
- Co-Author, Employers' Guide to Massachusetts Wage & Hour Law, Seyfarth Shaw LLP (January 30, 2019)
- Co-Author, "The Baton Passes Back to the East Coast: Prior Salary Ban Passed in Delaware and Philadelphia Law Suit Challenging Prior Salary Ban Back On," One Minute Memo, Seyfarth Shaw LLP (June 23, 2017)
- Co-Author, "UPDATE: Lawsuit Challenging Philadelphia Salary History Ban Ordinance Dismissed," One Minute Memo, Seyfarth Shaw LLP (June 8, 2017)
- Co-Author, “Businesses Challenge Philadelphia Law Prohibiting Inquiry into Prospective Employee’s Wage History,” One Minute Memo, Seyfarth Shaw LLP (April 25, 2017)
- Co-Author, Massachusetts Peculiarities: An Employer’s Guide to Wage & Hour Law in the Bay State, 3rd Edition, Seyfarth Shaw LLP (April 1, 2017)
- Co-Author, “Warehouses and Delivery Centers in Massachusetts May Operate on Sundays and Holidays Following an Amendment to the Commonwealth’s Blue Laws,” One Minute Memo, Seyfarth Shaw LLP (August 23, 2016)
- Co-Author, "DOL Issues Guidance On Independent Contractor Classification Interpreting FLSA Broadly to Cover Most Workers as Employees," Management Alert, Seyfarth Shaw LLP (July 15, 2015)
- Co-Author, "Game Changer? The Supreme Court Agrees to Consider Standards for Certifying FLSA Collective Actions and State Law Class Actions," Wage & Hour Litigation Blog, Seyfarth Shaw LLP (June 9, 2015)
- Co-Author, "2014 Wage Hour Wrap Up," Wage & Hour Litigation Blog, Seyfarth Shaw LLP (December 29, 2014)
- Co-Author, "Insights: Supreme Court Win for Employers," Chain Store Age (December 12, 2014)
- Co-Author, "An 'Integral and Indispensable' Supreme Court Win For Employers Regarding What Counts As Time Worked Under the FLSA," Wage & Hour Litigation Blog, Seyfarth Shaw LLP (December 9, 2014)
- Co-Author, "Horton Hears a Reversal: The Fifth Circuit Overturns the National Labor Relations Board’s Controversial D.R. Horton Decision," Wage & Hour Litigation Blog, Seyfarth Shaw LLP (December 4, 2013)
- "(Arbitration) w/10 (Important Win For Employers): Sixth Circuit’s Reed Elsevier Decision Adds to Collection of Rulings Favoring Individual Arbitration," Wage & Hour Litigation Blog, Seyfarth Shaw LLP (November 11, 2013)
- Co-Author, "Can It Be Retaliation If The Employer Would Have Done It Anyway? Insights From The Supreme Court’s Oral Argument," Management Alert, Seyfarth Shaw LLP (April 25, 2013)
- Co-Author, "Early Consensus: Courts Rely on Comcast v. Behrend In Refusing To Allow Wage And Hour Cases To Proceed As Class Actions," Wage & Hour Litigation Blog, Seyfarth Shaw LLP (April 24, 2013)
- Co-Author, "With the Speed of Broadband--Supreme Court Applies Comcast to Wage and Hour Case," Wage & Hour Litigation Blog, Seyfarth Shaw LLP (April 2, 2013)
- Co-Author, "Did The Earth Just Move? Comcast Suggests Individual Damage Calculations Prevent Class Certification," Wage & Hour Litigation Blog, Seyfarth Shaw LLP (March 27, 2013)
- Co-Author, "Behind the 'Magic-8 Ball': Supreme Court Hears Argument in Sutter," Wage & Hour Litigation Blog, Seyfarth Shaw LLP (March 25, 2013)
- Co-Author, "Second Circuit Enforces Agreement To Individual Arbitration and Rejects 'Class Action As Substantive Right' Theory," Wage & Hour Litigation Blog, Seyfarth Shaw LLP (March 22, 2013)
- Co-Author, "Individual Arbitration of FLSA Claims: Second Circuit to Decide," Wage & Hour Litigation Blog, Seyfarth Shaw LLP (March 20, 2013)
- "Individual Arbitration of FLSA Claims and The 'Effective Vindication Doctrine'" Wage & Hour Litigation Blog, Seyfarth Shaw LLP (March 13, 2013)
- "Beating a Dead (D.R.) Horton?" Wage & Hour Litigation Blog, Seyfarth Shaw LLP (February 26, 2013)
- Co-Author, "Oxford HealthPlans v. Sutter Update: Oxford Health Files Its Brief With The Supreme Court," Wage & Hour Litigation Blog, Seyfarth Shaw LLP (February 3, 2013)
- "Another Win For Arbitration Of FLSA Claims On An Individual Basis," Wage & Hour Litigation Blog, Seyfarth Shaw LLP (January 14, 2013)
- Co-Author, "Supreme Court to Decide High-Stakes Question for Employers With Arbitration Agreements: Does An Agreement To Arbitrate 'All' Disputes Authorize An Arbitrator To Conduct A 'Class Arbitration'?" Wage & Hour Litigation Blog, Seyfarth Shaw LLP (December 9, 2012)
- "Supreme Court To Show Its "(Italian) Colors" On Arbitration Agreements That Waive Class Arbitration Procedures," Wage & Hour Litigation Blog, Seyfarth Shaw LLP (November 15, 2012)
- Co-Author, "Supreme Court Considers Evidence Needed for Certification of Broad(band) Class," Wage & Hour Litigation Blog, Seyfarth Shaw LLP (November 6, 2012)
- Co-Author, "After the Storm: Workplace Safety and Wage & Hour Considerations," Environmental & Safety Law Update Blog, Seyfarth Shaw LLP (November 2, 2012)
- Co-Author, "After the Storm: Workplace Safety and Wage & Hour Considerations," Management Alert, Seyfarth Shaw LLP (October 30, 2012)
- Co-Author, “If We Close Because Of The Storm, Whom Do We Have to Pay and How Much?,” One Minute Memo, Seyfarth Shaw LLP (October 28, 2012)
- “Criminal Background Information Changes: What Dealers Need To Know,” MSADA Magazine (September 1, 2010)
- “OT for IT: Which Information Technology Employees Are Entitled to Overtime Pay?” Compensation and Benefits Review (June 11, 2010)
- “National Contract Management,” National Contract Management Association Boston Chapter's 49th Annual Workshop (March 10, 2010)
- “Are These Things Enforceable?” MSADA Legal Column (August 1, 2009)
- “Bill Would Allow Unions to Expand at All Costs,” Boston Globe (January 18, 2009)
- "Managing Engineers: Seven Employment Law Pitfalls and How to Avoid Them," Journal of Professional Issues in Engineering Education and Practice (October 2005)
- Contributing Editor, “Tortious Interference in the Employment Context,” ABA/BNA Books (2004)
- “Your Company Could be Liable to Non-Employees,” New England In-House (October 1, 2004)
- “Opposing Counsel Contacting Your Employees: What Company Lawyers Need to Know,” New England In-House (April 1, 2004)
- “Cash Strapped? Deferring Employee Pay No Answer,” Mass High Tech (February 2. 2004)
- Co-Speaker, "Time Well Spent Session 4: Arbitration of Wage-Hour Claims," Webinar, Seyfarth Shaw LLP (December 5, 2023)
- Co-Presenter, "Working it Out - Effective Employment Dispute Resolution," Webinar, National Arbitration Mediation (NAM) and NYS Academy of Trial Attorneys (May 23, 2023)
- Co-Presenter, "The Future Starts Now: Future of Work for New England Employers - Part 3: Impacts of Technology on Overtime Exemptions," Webinar, Seyfarth Shaw LLP (December 14, 2022)
- Co-Presenter, "The Future of Arbitration - Part 2: Paradise Lost? The Risk of Mass Arbitration," Webinar Series, Seyfarth Shaw LLP (March 29, 2022)
- Massachusetts Bar Association, Annual Labor and Employment Conference (2012)
- American College of Health Care Administrators, Framingham, MA (March 12, 2012)
- “Basic Employment Law Issues for Emerging Companies,” Cambridge Innovation Center (January 18, 2012)
- “Deposition Do’s and Don’ts Demonstration,” ABA 5th Annual Labor and Employment Conference, Seattle, WA (November 3, 2011)
- “Executive Employment Agreements for Private Companies,” Massachusetts Bar Association (October 14, 2010)
Quoted, "Supreme Court’s Arbitration Ruling Invites Even More Litigation," Bloomberg Law {April 16, 2024}
"(Patrick) has done an excellent job of coordinating our overall relationship, learning about our company, and bringing in various experts to support the changes." —Client Feedback
Patrick helps employers manage and compensate employees lawfully, uphold high performance standards, and defeat unfounded legal claims—including class and collective actions.
More About Patrick
Employers hire Patrick for advice they can understand about how to avoid employment litigation without compromising their legitimate goals. Clients in litigation appreciate his creative, efficient approach to even the most complex litigation.
While he works in the world of courts and government agencies, Patrick's heart is with the people who try to run fair, productive organizations without being derailed or paralyzed by the legal system.
Patrick has extensive experience defending wage and hour cases, including class and collective actions, lawsuits brought by overtime-exempt employees who claim they are entitled to overtime pay, claims by independent contractors who allege they are entitled to be treated as employees, and lawsuits brought by employees claiming that they were required to work off-the-clock.
Patrick also helps businesses avoid litigation by advising them about all aspects of their relationships with employees. These subjects include compensation for exempt employees, nonexempt employees, and executives; leaves of absence; discipline and termination; managing employees with physical and mental conditions that affect work; distinguishing employees from independent contractors; non-competition agreements; employment contracts; separation agreements; and reductions in force. He has helped a number of major clients develop and enforce arbitration agreements.
Patrick is a regular speaker and author regarding employment law, including arbitration and collective actions. His articles have appeared in The Boston Globe, New England In-House, Compensation & Benefits Review, and Mass High Tech.
While he works in the world of courts and government agencies, Patrick's heart is with the people who try to run fair, productive organizations without being derailed or paralyzed by the legal system.
Patrick has extensive experience defending wage and hour cases, including class and collective actions, lawsuits brought by overtime-exempt employees who claim they are entitled to overtime pay, claims by independent contractors who allege they are entitled to be treated as employees, and lawsuits brought by employees claiming that they were required to work off-the-clock.
Patrick also helps businesses avoid litigation by advising them about all aspects of their relationships with employees. These subjects include compensation for exempt employees, nonexempt employees, and executives; leaves of absence; discipline and termination; managing employees with physical and mental conditions that affect work; distinguishing employees from independent contractors; non-competition agreements; employment contracts; separation agreements; and reductions in force. He has helped a number of major clients develop and enforce arbitration agreements.
Patrick is a regular speaker and author regarding employment law, including arbitration and collective actions. His articles have appeared in The Boston Globe, New England In-House, Compensation & Benefits Review, and Mass High Tech.
- JD, Stanford Law School
With distinction
Stanford Law Review, associate editor - AB, Harvard College
Magna cum laude
Phi Beta Kappa
- California
- Massachusetts
- US Supreme Court
- US Court of Appeals, First Circuit
- US Court of Appeals, Third Circuit
- US Court of Appeals, Ninth Circuit
- US District Court, Northern District of California
- US District Court, District of Massachusetts
Related Services
- Class & Collective Actions
- Complex Discrimination Litigation
- Discipline & Performance Management
- Employment
- Employment Litigation
- Post-Pandemic Recovery & Renewal
- Reductions in Force & Business Restructuring
- Remote Workforces
- Separation & Release Agreements
- Trade Secrets, Computer Fraud & Non-Competes
- Trial
- Wage Hour Audit, Assessment & Advice
- Wage Hour Class & Collective Actions
- Workplace Arbitration & ADR
Related Key Industries
- Enforced arbitration agreement that required former employees to pursue overtime claims through individual arbitration, rather than nationwide collective action.
- Obtained summary judgment for insurance company against former sales agent’s claim of independent contractor misclassification.
- Led labor and employment due diligence for buyer in 10-figure acquisition.
- Defended major financial services companies in would-be national class and collective actions alleging failure to pay overtime under FLSA and state law.
- Represented US subsidiary of overseas company in action for alleged failure to pay commissions to former employee.
- Defended lawsuit alleging misclassification of tennis professional under FLSA and Massachusetts law.
- Represented sports club in investigation by Wage and Hour Division of US Department of Labor.
- Obtained preliminary injunction for Fortune 500 company enforcing former sales executive’s noncompetition and nonsolicitation agreement.
- Advise hospitals regarding all aspects of employee relationships, including wage-and-hour compliance, hiring, investigation of internal complaints, discipline, and termination.
- Obtained summary judgment for billion-dollar semiconductor company in age discrimination case involving reduction in force and change to employee retirement plan.
- Defended retailer in collective actions brought by assistant managers seeking overtime under FLSA.
- Successfully enforced and successfully challenged numerous noncompetition and nonsolicitation agreements.
- Won arbitration award for executive who was forced out of a publicly traded company in breach of his employment contract.
- Negotiated dozens of executive employment and separation agreements.
- Defended financial services, consulting, manufacturing, and technology companies from claims of discrimination or harassment on the basis of sex, race, disability, age, and other protected categories.
- Successfully litigated retaliation and whistleblower claims.
- Helped businesses avoid litigation through training, drafting, and review of company policies and advice regarding employee discipline and termination.
- Defended employers against claims brought by employees for alleged failure to pay wages.
Counseled businesses on how to reduce the size of their workforces, while minimizing the potential for claims by terminated employees.
Related News & Insights
Firm News
220 Seyfarth Attorneys Chosen as Leaders in Their Fields by Best Lawyers in America 2025
Media Mentions
Patrick Bannon Discusses Impact of SCOTUS Smith v. Spizzirri Arbitration Decision in Top Media Outlets
Blog Post
May 17, 2024
Staying Around – The Supreme Court Resolves Circuit Split and Mandates that Cases Compelled to Arbitration be Stayed (Not Dismissed)
Media Mentions
Patrick Bannon Discusses SCOTUS Decision on Arbitration Causing More Litigation in Bloomberg Law
- Listed in Best Lawyers in America (Woodward/White Inc.) for Employment Law - Management and Litigation - Labor and Employment (2016-2025)
- Recognized as a Leading Lawyer for Labor & Employment (Massachusetts) by Chambers USA (2012-2024)
- American Bar Association, Labor and Employment Law Section speaker and member
- Massachusetts Bar Association, Labor and Employment Section former vice-chair
- Boston Bar Association
- MCAD Volunteer Mediator Pilot Program volunteer mediator, 2003-2006
- Co-Author, "Massachusetts High Court Limits Scope of Transportation Worker Exception to Statutory Arbitration Requirements," Legal Opinion Letter, Washington Legal Foundation (September 23, 2022)
- Co-Author, "No Hypocrisy in Getting to the Merits: Why Good Companies Want Arbitration—but Not Mass Arbitration—of Employment Disputes," Legal Backgrounder, Washington Legal Foundation (September 16, 2022)
- Co-Author, Mass-Peculiarities: An Employer’s Guide to Wage & Hour Law in the Bay State, 2022 Edition, Seyfarth Shaw LLP (2022)
- Co-Author, "Is Arbitration the Answer: Vaccination Arbitration?" Legal Update, Seyfarth Shaw LLP (January 4, 2022)
- Co-Author, "Is Arbitration the Answer: Can Companies Win Summary Judgment In Arbitration?," Legal Update, Seyfarth Shaw LLP (June 7, 2021)
- Co-Author, "Three Ways Courts Should Improve FLSA Collective Actions," Law360 (March 31, 2021)
- Co-Author, "Is Arbitration The Answer: What About Mass Arbitration?," Legal Update: A Series on Arbitration Agreements, Seyfarth Shaw LLP (March 30, 2021)
- Co-Author, "Retail Detail: Can Retail Gig Workers Be Treated As Non-Employees? A Federal Court Casts Doubt," Legal Update, Seyfarth Shaw LLP (February 9, 2021)
- Co-Author, "A Series on Arbitration Agreements: Can Arbitration Agreements Protect Employers Against Class Actions?," Legal Update, Seyfarth Shaw LLP (January 19, 2021)
- Co-Author, "A Series on Arbitration Agreements: Is Arbitration the Answer?," Legal Update, Seyfarth Shaw LLP (January 5, 2021)
- Co-Author, "Call Center Employees in Massachusetts Win Claim For Sunday Premium Pay," Legal Update, Seyfarth Shaw LLP (January 23, 2020)
- Co-Author, Mass-Peculiarities: An Employer’s Guide to Wage & Hour Law in the Bay State, 4th Edition, Seyfarth Shaw LLP (June 19, 2019)
- Co-Author, Employers' Guide to Massachusetts Wage & Hour Law, Seyfarth Shaw LLP (January 30, 2019)
- Co-Author, "The Baton Passes Back to the East Coast: Prior Salary Ban Passed in Delaware and Philadelphia Law Suit Challenging Prior Salary Ban Back On," One Minute Memo, Seyfarth Shaw LLP (June 23, 2017)
- Co-Author, "UPDATE: Lawsuit Challenging Philadelphia Salary History Ban Ordinance Dismissed," One Minute Memo, Seyfarth Shaw LLP (June 8, 2017)
- Co-Author, “Businesses Challenge Philadelphia Law Prohibiting Inquiry into Prospective Employee’s Wage History,” One Minute Memo, Seyfarth Shaw LLP (April 25, 2017)
- Co-Author, Massachusetts Peculiarities: An Employer’s Guide to Wage & Hour Law in the Bay State, 3rd Edition, Seyfarth Shaw LLP (April 1, 2017)
- Co-Author, “Warehouses and Delivery Centers in Massachusetts May Operate on Sundays and Holidays Following an Amendment to the Commonwealth’s Blue Laws,” One Minute Memo, Seyfarth Shaw LLP (August 23, 2016)
- Co-Author, "DOL Issues Guidance On Independent Contractor Classification Interpreting FLSA Broadly to Cover Most Workers as Employees," Management Alert, Seyfarth Shaw LLP (July 15, 2015)
- Co-Author, "Game Changer? The Supreme Court Agrees to Consider Standards for Certifying FLSA Collective Actions and State Law Class Actions," Wage & Hour Litigation Blog, Seyfarth Shaw LLP (June 9, 2015)
- Co-Author, "2014 Wage Hour Wrap Up," Wage & Hour Litigation Blog, Seyfarth Shaw LLP (December 29, 2014)
- Co-Author, "Insights: Supreme Court Win for Employers," Chain Store Age (December 12, 2014)
- Co-Author, "An 'Integral and Indispensable' Supreme Court Win For Employers Regarding What Counts As Time Worked Under the FLSA," Wage & Hour Litigation Blog, Seyfarth Shaw LLP (December 9, 2014)
- Co-Author, "Horton Hears a Reversal: The Fifth Circuit Overturns the National Labor Relations Board’s Controversial D.R. Horton Decision," Wage & Hour Litigation Blog, Seyfarth Shaw LLP (December 4, 2013)
- "(Arbitration) w/10 (Important Win For Employers): Sixth Circuit’s Reed Elsevier Decision Adds to Collection of Rulings Favoring Individual Arbitration," Wage & Hour Litigation Blog, Seyfarth Shaw LLP (November 11, 2013)
- Co-Author, "Can It Be Retaliation If The Employer Would Have Done It Anyway? Insights From The Supreme Court’s Oral Argument," Management Alert, Seyfarth Shaw LLP (April 25, 2013)
- Co-Author, "Early Consensus: Courts Rely on Comcast v. Behrend In Refusing To Allow Wage And Hour Cases To Proceed As Class Actions," Wage & Hour Litigation Blog, Seyfarth Shaw LLP (April 24, 2013)
- Co-Author, "With the Speed of Broadband--Supreme Court Applies Comcast to Wage and Hour Case," Wage & Hour Litigation Blog, Seyfarth Shaw LLP (April 2, 2013)
- Co-Author, "Did The Earth Just Move? Comcast Suggests Individual Damage Calculations Prevent Class Certification," Wage & Hour Litigation Blog, Seyfarth Shaw LLP (March 27, 2013)
- Co-Author, "Behind the 'Magic-8 Ball': Supreme Court Hears Argument in Sutter," Wage & Hour Litigation Blog, Seyfarth Shaw LLP (March 25, 2013)
- Co-Author, "Second Circuit Enforces Agreement To Individual Arbitration and Rejects 'Class Action As Substantive Right' Theory," Wage & Hour Litigation Blog, Seyfarth Shaw LLP (March 22, 2013)
- Co-Author, "Individual Arbitration of FLSA Claims: Second Circuit to Decide," Wage & Hour Litigation Blog, Seyfarth Shaw LLP (March 20, 2013)
- "Individual Arbitration of FLSA Claims and The 'Effective Vindication Doctrine'" Wage & Hour Litigation Blog, Seyfarth Shaw LLP (March 13, 2013)
- "Beating a Dead (D.R.) Horton?" Wage & Hour Litigation Blog, Seyfarth Shaw LLP (February 26, 2013)
- Co-Author, "Oxford HealthPlans v. Sutter Update: Oxford Health Files Its Brief With The Supreme Court," Wage & Hour Litigation Blog, Seyfarth Shaw LLP (February 3, 2013)
- "Another Win For Arbitration Of FLSA Claims On An Individual Basis," Wage & Hour Litigation Blog, Seyfarth Shaw LLP (January 14, 2013)
- Co-Author, "Supreme Court to Decide High-Stakes Question for Employers With Arbitration Agreements: Does An Agreement To Arbitrate 'All' Disputes Authorize An Arbitrator To Conduct A 'Class Arbitration'?" Wage & Hour Litigation Blog, Seyfarth Shaw LLP (December 9, 2012)
- "Supreme Court To Show Its "(Italian) Colors" On Arbitration Agreements That Waive Class Arbitration Procedures," Wage & Hour Litigation Blog, Seyfarth Shaw LLP (November 15, 2012)
- Co-Author, "Supreme Court Considers Evidence Needed for Certification of Broad(band) Class," Wage & Hour Litigation Blog, Seyfarth Shaw LLP (November 6, 2012)
- Co-Author, "After the Storm: Workplace Safety and Wage & Hour Considerations," Environmental & Safety Law Update Blog, Seyfarth Shaw LLP (November 2, 2012)
- Co-Author, "After the Storm: Workplace Safety and Wage & Hour Considerations," Management Alert, Seyfarth Shaw LLP (October 30, 2012)
- Co-Author, “If We Close Because Of The Storm, Whom Do We Have to Pay and How Much?,” One Minute Memo, Seyfarth Shaw LLP (October 28, 2012)
- “Criminal Background Information Changes: What Dealers Need To Know,” MSADA Magazine (September 1, 2010)
- “OT for IT: Which Information Technology Employees Are Entitled to Overtime Pay?” Compensation and Benefits Review (June 11, 2010)
- “National Contract Management,” National Contract Management Association Boston Chapter's 49th Annual Workshop (March 10, 2010)
- “Are These Things Enforceable?” MSADA Legal Column (August 1, 2009)
- “Bill Would Allow Unions to Expand at All Costs,” Boston Globe (January 18, 2009)
- "Managing Engineers: Seven Employment Law Pitfalls and How to Avoid Them," Journal of Professional Issues in Engineering Education and Practice (October 2005)
- Contributing Editor, “Tortious Interference in the Employment Context,” ABA/BNA Books (2004)
- “Your Company Could be Liable to Non-Employees,” New England In-House (October 1, 2004)
- “Opposing Counsel Contacting Your Employees: What Company Lawyers Need to Know,” New England In-House (April 1, 2004)
- “Cash Strapped? Deferring Employee Pay No Answer,” Mass High Tech (February 2. 2004)
- Co-Speaker, "Time Well Spent Session 4: Arbitration of Wage-Hour Claims," Webinar, Seyfarth Shaw LLP (December 5, 2023)
- Co-Presenter, "Working it Out - Effective Employment Dispute Resolution," Webinar, National Arbitration Mediation (NAM) and NYS Academy of Trial Attorneys (May 23, 2023)
- Co-Presenter, "The Future Starts Now: Future of Work for New England Employers - Part 3: Impacts of Technology on Overtime Exemptions," Webinar, Seyfarth Shaw LLP (December 14, 2022)
- Co-Presenter, "The Future of Arbitration - Part 2: Paradise Lost? The Risk of Mass Arbitration," Webinar Series, Seyfarth Shaw LLP (March 29, 2022)
- Massachusetts Bar Association, Annual Labor and Employment Conference (2012)
- American College of Health Care Administrators, Framingham, MA (March 12, 2012)
- “Basic Employment Law Issues for Emerging Companies,” Cambridge Innovation Center (January 18, 2012)
- “Deposition Do’s and Don’ts Demonstration,” ABA 5th Annual Labor and Employment Conference, Seattle, WA (November 3, 2011)
- “Executive Employment Agreements for Private Companies,” Massachusetts Bar Association (October 14, 2010)
Quoted, "Supreme Court’s Arbitration Ruling Invites Even More Litigation," Bloomberg Law {April 16, 2024}
"(Patrick) has done an excellent job of coordinating our overall relationship, learning about our company, and bringing in various experts to support the changes." —Client Feedback